Foundational Check-List
Our working style is quite different from other consultants or agencies and it may not be a match for your needs (that’s ok!). We focus a lot on philosophy prior to execution.
Gender & Culture at the Negotiating Table
The statement “from culture to culture and family to family, gender roles vary” is congruent with my personal experience. At 23, with already five years of corporate experience, an opportunity arose for me to move to Tokyo and work within our global office.
Keeping Linkedin Fresh
Linkedin plays a key role in maintaining current content and should be included in any holistic content calendars. Companies that forget to promote the professional side of their brand will miss out on a key opportunity. Here are a few things to consider…
When In Doubt, Update Your Website
There is no better or more cost-effective way to refresh your business than on your own website. The trick, though, isn’t just having a website, it’s developing the right website.
Our Definitions
One of the most important parts of effective communication is making sure everyone is on the same page. In order for us to move forwards, we must speak the same language. This is our foundation for communication: